Buy Bold-One (Boldenone undecylenate Equipose) online

Buy Bold-One (Boldenone undecylenate Equipose) online

Buy Bold-One (Boldenone undecylenate Equipose) online

Buy Bold-One (Boldenone undecylenate Equipose) online,  is an anabolic steroid that is structurally very similar to methandrostenolone . Because of this similarity among many athletes view was that Bold-One – injection analogue of methane, but this e Aleko from the truth. This drug is in its effects closer to testosterone (the ability to flavor it around like Nandrolone ).

Initially, Equipoise is used in veterinary medicine. After the metal was observed amateurs, has been widely used in body building. Western athletes for more than 15 years of use with this drug, and were able to appreciate its properties. Among domestic athletes Equipoise is not a special demand and still continues to stand in the shadow of giants such as testosterone ( propionate , enanthate , cypionate ), Methane and deck, but in time to gradually gaining popularity.

Bold-One side effects

Due to the fact that Equipoise aromatizes very poorly, side effects are extremely rare and they are often associated with excess dosage or length of the course. Just as it is not toxic to the liver, on the need for the use of hepatic virtually none (except for the prevention of, for example: holosas).

Bold-One dosages

Anabolic Activity in Equipoise same as that of testosterone, whereas androgenic 2 times lower. But despite this, he is considered a relatively weak steroid, as its effect is less pronounced (compared to testosterone in the same amount of Bold-One from below).

This drug significantly increases the strength and endurance athlete. Set of muscle mass occurs relatively slowly. Equipoise does not fill with water, so to gain muscle mass is dry and quality, and after the course is likely to remain with you, and do not roll away. Just Bold-One improves hematopoiesis, thus muscles receive more oxygen, which has a positive effect on endurance. Due to this the drug to become attractive to athletes and athletes who perform aerobic exercise.

Equipoise is an important feature to increase appetite. This will be helpful for people who can not bring himself to eat a lot . Just Bold-One can take a woman in connection with the fact that virilization of it is extremely rare. This drug has a broad spectrum of use. It is used both in muscle recruitment, and on drying. Usually enough for beginners dosage of 400-600 mg per week, for experienced athletes – 600 mg per week and above.


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