New Articles About Bold-One (Boldenone undecylenate Equipose) In US

New Articles About Bold-One (Boldenone undecylenate Equipose) In US

New Articles About Bold-One, Boldenone Undecylenate (can be used such names as Ganabol, Boldesten, Boldebal, Boldabol, Equipoise (Equipoise) – anabolic steroid direction, which was originally developed for use by veterinarians. Initially, it was developed as one of the more Long-Lasting versions methandrostenolone. But, in the process of production turned out very different results. So there was a steroid boldenone. Furthermore, Despite the fact that the chemical construction of these two drugs are very similar, they have very different characteristics. However, Boldenone is a copy of a molecule of Dianabol. And, Its feature is that there is no 17-alpha-methyl group (particle allows Dianabol pass through the liver without fracture). Equipoise in the chemical form of the molecule contains testosterone. It is characteristic of the double bond, which runs between the irani first and second carbon atoms.

Buy Boldenone

This improvement allowed boldenone buy powerful anabolic properties similar testosterone. Androgenic indicators appear implicitly. Use of Equipoise is able to provide lower rates than a similar amount of testosterone. Very often you can see the attempts to compare Boldenone Undecylenate and Nandrolone. Most likely, it was with a light hand the author Dan Duchaine. It was compared to these two drugs. Notes the fact that the effects of boldenone much stronger. In fact boldenone and nandrolone in different directions in the form of action. Nandrolone is one of progestins and 19-nor steroids. Boldenone does have more in common with testosterone. Later, the author decided to revise their views and noted that the similarity in these substances are observed. But individual forums can still be found notes that use both Nandrolone and Boldenone is not very useful. It boils down to the fact that the action of drugs are similar. Arimidex PCT for sale by Alpha-Pharma Steroids representative. The drug has updated versions: Boldenone Propionate and boldenone acetate. You can order and buy boldenone in the USA in our store. Quality Assurance

The steroid profile of Boldenone Undecylenate

Androgen Index – 50;
Anabolic code – 100;
Estrogenic activity – low;
Progestogenic activity – very low
Toxicity to the liver – no.

The effects of boldenone

Athletes while taking the drug, talk about a low but steady increase in muscle mass. There are different opinions. One of them explains the slowness of the effect that a molecule Equipoise fastened long ester (undecylenate). Undensilenat decanoate in comparison with its length of more than one atom. That is why, when choosing a course of Equipoise boldenone undecylenate uk, we can expect that the growth of the muscles take longer. More speed in this regard, be able to demonstrate a course with nandrolone. It should be noted that like Deck, it is quite long found in the body. The use of the drug increases the strength indices. There is a significant addition appetite. Equipoise has shown himself as a great stimulant in the process of hematopoiesis. With the increase in the number of red blood cells is enhanced oxygen supply to the muscles. For athletes such indicators will be very helpful. Before deciding on the use of this drug is to clarify two things: how to take boldenone and how to put boldenone.

As stabbing Boldenone

The drug is administered intramuscularly. You can use the 2 schemes. In the first case, you can chop 400 mg 1 time per week, gradually increasing the dose to 800 mg. Another embodiment involves daily injections of 25-30 mg per day. As a result, for the week accumulate the desired amount in the body without substantial burden on the liver. It is also recommended in the first and last weeks to comply with the same dose, for example chop no more than 400 mg per week, and the main focus of the maximum of 800 mg per week to do 4-7. The course of the drug up to 10 weeks.

Boldenone Undecylenate rate (dosage)

The course is based on the optimal boldenone, structured use of the drug. Admission to spend 400-600 mg per week. Small amounts can not just give the result. The increase in dosage may not only lead to great results, but also harm the health.
Duration of the course – from 8 to 10 weeks.
Equipoise is well demonstrated in combination with themselves: Winstrol and Anavar during drying; trenbolone and testosterone with an increase in weight (this approach can reduce the duration of the use of drugs, because the combination of such agents capable of reducing the amount of testosterone, you must use anti-estrogens).
Consult an expert before you start the course Equipoise.
After 2 weeks after the end of the PCT and perform start taking testosterone boosters for a month to restore natural testosterone.
For maximum efficiency, take a set rate for a set of sports nutrition muscle mass and keep to a diet for a set of muscle mass.

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